Software Development

Software Development is a complex activity which needs software engineer’s models use in order to have a safe, stable quality product. Engarm Software Development offer, consists in complex cad, making use of highly professional engineers, whose support adds a remarkable value added. Engarm supplies some consultancy about the following process’ steps:

  • Customer’ specific needs: Consultancy activity in defining the plan: it helps the customer in the right aim individuation, and in choosing the technical\economical elements in order to mark the real needs to be satisfied;
  • Software Specifications: Consultancy activity in defining the software specifications;
  • System Specifications: Integration between the firm computer system (system architecture and application software in use) and the present organization processes;
  • Software Plan: Complete project’s writing furnished with all its documents, as it will be clear shown in the following point;
  • Software Develop: Implementation of the solution through the development of all the software’s parts, always keeping attention to the software quality;
  • Software Integration and Machine Formal Test: Testing modes and standards (practicality and project’s printouts checking). In particular, progress made and their Customers execution are needed to be shown, in order to provide a right and correct process progressing;
  • Software Documentation: Conclusive documents writing, furnished with the Software User’s Guide of Develop Constraint. It can be given in electronic format and it mustn’t be regarded as a complete one if it owns only Help section;
  • Maintenance and Assistance: Maintenance and assistance programs, Post-start, Starting working help, Starting assistance;
  • Staff training and teaching: Teaching and training staff program, both operating and technical one (changes managements): new logistic and operational differences must be marked.


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